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Front-End Car Accidents in Medford

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Auto collisions between vehicles traveling in opposite directions cause hundreds of injuries and dozens of fatalities yearly in New Jersey. Often, someone could have prevented an incident if they had acted more responsibly. However, obtaining fair financial recovery could be complicated after any type of wreck in the Garden State, especially when it results in life-altering injuries, as so many head-on collisions unfortunately do.

Proactively pursuing the restitution you deserve after front-end car accidents in Medford could be easier if you seek help from a capable vehicle crash attorney. Guidance from seasoned legal counsel could be vital to establishing fault for a crash and demanding fair compensation for long-term losses.

How Do Head-On Collisions Happen in Medford?

While front-end motor vehicle accidents can happen in various locations and contexts, they commonly happen in intersections, on two-lane roads, and in situations where inclement weather has made the road slippery or hard to see. Specific negligent actions that may increase the risk of a collision occurring include:

  • Driving intoxicated
  • Making unsafe passes
  • Driving while fatigued
  • Entering a highway from the wrong onramp
  • Swerving unexpectedly to avoid hitting an obstacle
  • Running a red light or stop sign
  • Not accounting for road conditions

Anyone who collides with another driver head-on because of these actions or any other reckless behavior has failed to live up to the duty all drivers owe each other to act reasonably and follow traffic laws while driving. If their irresponsible actions are the direct and primary cause of a crash, they may be civilly liable for numerous financial, physical, and personal losses stemming from an incident.

However, any negligence on the part of an injured plaintiff could be held against them as a proportional reduction in their award’s value or a bar to recovering anything. A Medford attorney could explain how this comparative fault system, described in New Jersey Revised Statutes §2A:15-5.1, might impact recovery in a front-end vehicle wreck case.

Recovering Comprehensively After a Front-End Collision

Due to New Jersey’s no-fault approach to car wreck litigation, anyone injured in a head-on crash could seek compensation for medical bills, vehicle damage, and other immediate financial losses through their or the defendant’s injured driver policy. Insurance coverage could limit the right to seek restitution for other damages.

If third-party litigation is possible after a head-on car crash in Medford, compensable damages might include repayment for:

  • Future medical expenses and costs of assistive medical equipment
  • Lost wages and earning capacity
  • Physical pain and suffering
  • Emotional anguish
  • Lost quality of life
  • Lost consortium

Legal counsel could provide specific details about available damages during a confidential consultation.

Contact an Attorney to Discuss Front-End Car Accidents in Medford

Involvement in a head-on traffic collision could be traumatic, even if it results in no lasting injuries. If you end up severely hurt in a wreck, comprehensive civil litigation may be the best means of preserving your future and minimizing the impact another person’s misconduct has on your life.

Seeking compensation after severe front-end car accidents in Medford is not something you should try to accomplish alone. Call today to learn how an experienced legal team could help you.

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