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New Jersey Construction Fall Injuries

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Every day construction workers and construction site visitors face the risk of serious injury from falls. The negligence, recklessness or intentional actions of a third party often cause catastrophic fall accidents at construction sites. Individuals involved in fall accidents at a construction site may suffer significant physical injuries that can result in excessive medical treatment and costs.

Approximately 200 workers each year are killed as a result of construction site falls.   In addition to death, fall victims may suffer from broken bones, muscle strains, amputation or loss of limbs, eye injuries, paralysis, traumatic brain injury, permanent scarring, internal bleeding and back and neck injuries.

Individuals injured by a fall at a construction site may be entitled to receive compensation from third parties who are responsible in some degree for their injuries. At the dedicated personal injury law firm of Grungo Law, our experienced New Jersey construction accident lawyers can help you identify these third parties and hold them liable for your injuries.

Types of Fall Accidents at Construction Sites

U.S. Department of Labor statistics indicate that falls are the leading cause of fatalities at construction sites. Both residential and commercial construction workers in New Jersey are at risk for a construction accident fall injury. Unsecured ladders, unprotected sides, wall openings and floor holes can lead to construction accident falls, as well as the failure of personal fall arrest systems and safety boots (plastic booting for temporary guardrails.) The most common types of falls that occur on a construction site include:

Third Party Liability

In addition to filing a Workers’ Compensation claim, construction workers injured in fall accidents have the right to file suit against negligent or reckless third parties in New Jersey potentially responsible for their injuries. Third parties who fail to comply with OSHA codes and fall protection standards, or provide faulty fall protection systems or equipment, face liability when a fall at a construction site results in injuries.

Third party liability lawyers at Grungo Law assist injured construction workers in bringing third party liability suits against government entities, construction site owners, construction site managers, general contractors, safety supervisors, safety trainers, engineers, equipment manufacturers, equipment designers, equipment sellers, equipment marketers and property maintenance companies.

Damages Available to Construction Fall Victims

Catastrophic physical injuries that result from a fall at a construction in New Jersey site may lead to a lifetime of medical expenses including the costs of past and future medical treatment, rehabilitation, nursing care, physical therapy, occupational therapy, prescription drug costs and adaptive equipment (such as wheelchairs or modified vehicles). Individuals injured by a construction site fall may also be entitled to compensatory damages for their lost wages or loss of earning capacity. Pain and suffering, emotional distress and/or loss of consortium damages may also be available.

Discussing Your Case With An Attorney

If you or your loved one has been injured by a fall at a construction site, the attorneys at Grungo Law can handle all your third party liability claims, from the initial investigation and identification of potentially responsible parties through settlement negotiations and trial preparation if necessary. Call today to learn more about your legal options after New Jersey construction fall injuries.

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